Droid X Holds Its Ground Against iPhone 4 & The New T-mobile G2


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Premium Member
Sep 21, 2010
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The Droid X has been in my pocket since launch date (keep checking here for my 1 month user review), and now it's time for it to show us what its got against the iPhone and new G2. This comparison was done my PCWorld, who thought in anticipation of the G2 launch, buyers would like to see how it holds up against current popular devices. The chart is fairly simple to read, and well detailed. I like how it shows the Droid X being almost the same size as the iPhone but the screen being much bigger.
I like looking at charts like this, and since I will be one of those people that will have a T-mobile G2 on launch date... It makes me feel better seeing the device beat others on certain aspects.
What device would you like to see go against my new G2 when I get it? The Droid 2? Droid 1? Or Incredible? I have them all, so I can do a comparison article for you guys.
Reply and let me know.
Bell samsung vibrant

How about us Canadians, I would like to see the Bell Samsung Vibrant.
What aspects did it beat the others in? Processor, on-board storage, no led flash, no noise canceling, no hdmi. Aside from the physical keyboard, what are the pros to owning this device, the specs resemble that of a Droid 1 with extra memory and a slightly faster processor.
What aspects did it beat the others in? Processor, on-board storage, no led flash, no noise canceling, no hdmi. Aside from the physical keyboard, what are the pros to owning this device, the specs resemble that of a Droid 1 with extra memory and a slightly faster processor.

^ This.

Slower, heavier etc. The only place I can see the G2 being better than the X is that its probably cheaper to own one. But that's not a phone feature.
What aspects did it beat the others in? Processor, on-board storage, no led flash, no noise canceling, no hdmi. Aside from the physical keyboard, what are the pros to owning this device, the specs resemble that of a Droid 1 with extra memory and a slightly faster processor.

^ This.

Slower, heavier etc. The only place I can see the G2 being better than the X is that its probably cheaper to own one. But that's not a phone feature.
4G speeds faster than actual 4G, keyboard, and benchmark results better than Nexus One with Froyo and 1Ghz processor.
I'd actually be curious to see a side by side comparison chart for all the droid phones starting with droid 1 and going through to the droid 2. I ask this because I have been a droid 1 owner since release and I would really like to see the specs on all the phones side by side for when I go to buy a new droid. I am planning on picking up a droid 2 eventually, but I would like to see what I am going up against.
I'd actually be curious to see a side by side comparison chart for all the droid phones starting with droid 1 and going through to the droid 2. I ask this because I have been a droid 1 owner since release and I would really like to see the specs on all the phones side by side for when I go to buy a new droid. I am planning on picking up a droid 2 eventually, but I would like to see what I am going up against.
Well I will see if they will make a mega Android vs, but if not you can PM me when your interested in getting your device and Ill tell you my fav.

do you purchase them all? just wonderin.. thats a lot of cash
I do not purchase them.... I never buy phones. I just get them to use for a month then give it back and get something else.
I would like to see any of those phones hold their ground agaisnt the Samsung Galaxy S :icon_ banana: