Droid X Release: When are you gonna get to the store?

Jul 12, 2010
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Im getting there about an hour before the opening (which is 2 hours earlier than normal) to get an X. Its my big phone thing and i cant wait.

What time are ya'll gonna be there to get yours?
Be there about an hour the store opens here too!! (7am) First time going to a phone launch on day one should be exciting!!
I have work. So at 12am im going to be sitting in my pj's, in my bed, with my laptop :).
I will get there about a 1/2 hour early......
I have to be at work by 8, instead I will be here around 7:30 or so and go into work an hour late or so. I figured if I get in there when the door opens, I will be out by 9am at the latest.

They have 30 units, and they said that the original Droid unit had about the same units and they were gone by 10am. This is a small town too, so I figure with the hype over this unit it might be the same or harder to get. Earlier the better.

My store opens at 9 am est and I will be there around 7:30 am.

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If i can snag wifi outside of my local verizon store, i will get there early, otherwise i have to do some work and will show up maybe 15 minutes before the store opens at 9.
I pre ordered from Best Buy...and just got "the call" !!! 11 am tomorrow I'll have my X !! I was #7 on the list...and they only got 8 !! That was a close call...:)
If i can snag wifi outside of my local verizon store, i will get there early, otherwise i have to do some work and will show up maybe 15 minutes before the store opens at 9.

I plan on doing the same thing.. Regardless of wifi. I really need this phone for work
I work tonight and get off at 7am. My appointment is at 730 to pickup 2 DXs, then we leave to go to the beach for a week. Perfect timing...woohoo! dancedroid
I'm calling BB again tonight and first thing tomorrow morning. I have 2 on "preorder" and if they have them then I am dropping everything and driving the hour to my Best Buy. If not then I guess I'll wait since I will be out of town on Friday for any sort of delivery. I shouldn't have sold my G1s til after I got these.

edit: Unless Verizon stores don't have the mail-in-rebate, then I may just swing by my local store.
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Just got the call from my VZW store and i have my X reserved for pick up at 8am. Only catch is there is a 15 min window. If i miss it, the phone goes unreserved yikes..
I will be there two hours early. I went in this afternoon and saw a couple of people asking about when the doors open and if there will be a wait. I was told to be there two hours or so early. I know there will be a long line.
Two hours early at a store that 'may' have about 10 units. They did promise me about 6x that if they run out they will still take order and Fedex so will have by Sat, rep said they were assured no shortages for the X.