Droid X won't connect to any WEP wifi, works on other types


New Member
Jan 26, 2011
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Hi all,

Here is my story. I have a droid X and love it. It's been great and I'm a huge android fan. That being said, after the update from Android 2.2 to 2.3 (gingerbread), I lost the ability to connect to WEP-secured wifi signals. I know it's not just my wifi at home, but ANY WEP wifi... I've been to Starbucks, other people's houses, etc, and had the same issue. Other types of security work just fine, but it essentially means that 50% of the time I can't connect to wifi.

What specifically happens is the phone identifies the signal and asks if I'd like to log in. I type in the password, but the "connect" button is NEVER responsive... it has been greyed out so that I can only press cancel.

In general, I've had spotty connection with other wifi as well (It will work for a few minutes, lose the signal, find it again, work, rinse-and-repeat).

It is extremely frustrating and I've googled solutions for a while but haven't found anything that helps. Most of the answers ask me to change the actual router settings. I CANNOT DO THIS as I am living in a shared apartment. It is not my router. Moreover, I know that it's not a router problem as I have encountered NUMEROUS routers (including my routers at home that I used all the time before the 2.3 update) that this happens with.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I want my internet back :/


Droid X won't connect to WEP Wifi after 2.3 update a few months ago
Hi all,

Here is my story. I have a droid X and love it. It's been great and I'm a huge android fan. That being said, after the update from Android 2.2 to 2.3 (gingerbread), I lost the ability to connect to WEP-secured wifi signals. I know it's not just my wifi at home, but ANY WEP wifi... I've been to Starbucks, other people's houses, etc, and had the same issue. Other types of security work just fine, but it essentially means that 50% of the time I can't connect to wifi.

What specifically happens is the phone identifies the signal and asks if I'd like to log in. I type in the password, but the "connect" button is NEVER responsive... it has been greyed out so that I can only press cancel.

In general, I've had spotty connection with other wifi as well (It will work for a few minutes, lose the signal, find it again, work, rinse-and-repeat).

It is extremely frustrating and I've googled solutions for a while but haven't found anything that helps. Most of the answers ask me to change the actual router settings. I CANNOT DO THIS as I am living in a shared apartment. It is not my router. Moreover, I know that it's not a router problem as I have encountered NUMEROUS routers (including my routers at home that I used all the time before the 2.3 update) that this happens with.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I want my internet back :/


I had the same issue but I resolved it! What you want to do is get on a computer that is connected to the WiFi that you want to connect your Droid to. Then go to Run and type cmd to bring up the command prompt. After that comes up type in "ipconfig" and that'll show everything that you need except maybe your DNS. When this comes up, go onto your Droid and go to WiFi then hit the wifi settings then hit the settings button on the hardkeys at the bottom of the phone and select advanced. Then check off the option that says Static IP. After doing this you can then fill in the information on your Droid with the information that you just found by going to ipconfig. If you're missing something on the ipconfig screen, then you have to access your router by doing this: Go to any web browser on your computer that is attached to that wifi, type in the router route which will be like or Try both of those by putting them in the address bar and hitting "enter". If you've never messed with the router then the username and password prompt is probably username: admin pass: password if not then you must figure that out first. Once you're in your router then start looking around for Router Info or Router Status. In my case it was Router Status that had all of the info I needed. Then look for whatever it was you needed to put in. This worked on my Droid X2 but I have some pretty tech savvy knowledge so It may require more of a tutorial. Just message me if you need any more help.
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