New Member
hi my name is Theresa i have been with Verizon for about 15 years, I just got my Droid X this morning... yes I was one of those who showed up 3 hrs before the store opened and waited on line, I was #6, I gave up my Blackberry Storm which i must say i did like, the new Droid works fine a little confusing though I want to see my emails, texts and all notifications on my home scene but it dosent. I downloaded ring tones and could not assign them to my contacts, I want to delete some apps but dont know how.and the battery definitely died very fast, and I miss my smiley's there are none when i text. now for the good I text so much better, I love the camera although my blackberry Storm was so much easier to share pics. the screen size is great, guess i have a lot of learning to do. dancedroid