My wife and I just got Droid 2 Global's. I am trying to set them up to dial voicemail and then automatically dial the password. I had this set up on my Blackberry Storm. From the posts I have found on this forum, the way to do this is to edit the Voicemail entry to be *86,,XXXX# Some examples just show a single pause (*86,XXXX#).
I have tried this on both of our Droids. The Droids dial voicemail, but they never dial the password. I have tried setting it up with 1 pause, 2 pauses, 3 pauses, 4 pauses, and even no pauses. When I dial voicemail, I get the prompt to enter the password. If I enter the password manually, I get into my voicemail account. But, for some reason, the Droid will not dial the password. I thought the problem might be that my voicemail password is 6 characters (since all the examples I have seen only show 4 character passwords). But, my wife's password is only 4 characters, and I am having the exact same problem with her Droid.
Is there some other setting that I am missing? Or, is there a problem with our Droids?
I have tried this on both of our Droids. The Droids dial voicemail, but they never dial the password. I have tried setting it up with 1 pause, 2 pauses, 3 pauses, 4 pauses, and even no pauses. When I dial voicemail, I get the prompt to enter the password. If I enter the password manually, I get into my voicemail account. But, for some reason, the Droid will not dial the password. I thought the problem might be that my voicemail password is 6 characters (since all the examples I have seen only show 4 character passwords). But, my wife's password is only 4 characters, and I am having the exact same problem with her Droid.
Is there some other setting that I am missing? Or, is there a problem with our Droids?