DroidForums Volunteer News Writer Program Initiated

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Editor in Chief
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Premium Member
Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Do you love to check out and share the latest Android news? Do you have a talent for solid grammar and spelling? Would you like to see your writing featured on this very site from week to week? If you answered yes to these questions, then our new Volunteer News Writer Program is for you.

We will have three slots available for volunteer news writers. This is not a paid position, but the perk is you get the recognition of writing stories for an established Android site, plus you will help everyone in the forums get even more news!

To try out for the slots, we will treat this similar to a contest. You just need to write a news story in our Member News Section, which you can find here. Afterwards you will need to post a link to your story in this thread. Please make sure that you share the title of your story along with the link. Also, make sure it is clear that the link is meant to be one of your entries. You can enter as many times as you want with different stories, but do not enter more than one story per day.

We will hold the try-outs until Tuesday the 12th of August, 2014. At that time we will evaluate all of the entries, not on volume, but on quality of writing and the ability to follow the instructions found in our writing policy.

Here are the details of our front page news writing policy:
  • The story can NOT be a copy and paste of someone else's work. If you are quoting a portion of it to help flesh out the details, that is acceptable, but the majority of the story must be written in your own words.
  • It must have a picture (or video) to go with it that is relevant to the story, and that picture (or video) must be centered at the top of the article.
  • If your article gets information from another story for its source material, you must cite that source with a link and a name at the end of the story. Please include only one source link in your story. We don't want it to be too spammy.
  • These are meant to be news articles, not editorial pieces. This means you need to keep your personal opinion out of the article and simply state the facts. (If you earn one of the slots and show great potential, you may be allowed to do editorial comments in the future.)
  • The content must be relevant to this site, and must not contain anything objectionable which would break the rules of posting in this forum (this includes the picture too).
Even if you don't end up making the cut for one of these slots, you can still post news anytime you like in our Member News Section. You just need to make sure that your story isn't a duplicate of something already posted on the front page (although sometimes the reverse of that does happen). If you have any questions, feel free to voice them in this thread and I will try to answer them. It's entirely possible I forgot some details, so I reserve the right to edit and update this OP if necessary.

Please note that this "contest" is even open to any/all staff members who aren't already on the News Team. We look forward to reading what you folks come up with. Good luck!
Look forward to seeing what you guys can do.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk 2
I'd love to try to do something like this on the side but life has me with multiple windows open right now. I'm limited to griping and wishing out loud at the moment.
Based on what i have read here at DF we have some very talented writers. This is a win win...
My tip to all is to write what you are passionate about and keep writing. Do not concentrate so much on the amount of responses you get because that does not reflect the quality of a story. Talk about what you like and it will show in your writing. If you can care less about windows phones writing a lot about then will be counterintuitive as your writing may come off as flat.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk 2
The try-outs are closed. Thanks for participating!
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