Dropbox for Android


New Member
Apr 1, 2010
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Hey all. If you havent heard about Dropbox, check it out. It's a really nice file storage site, that also allows you share you files/pictures/videos. You get 2GB free, but can quadruple it by inviting others(you can also pay to upgrade to 20GB or 50GB). There is also a pretty nice, official, Android app. If you are interested, please sign up using my referral code. If you use my link, we both get 256MB free extra space.

I'm asking because my computer is close to death and I am trying to get all my files and media into the cloud before it does! I'm pushing the limits of my storage limit now, but still am able to get 6GB free from referring people. So please, if you are interested, or even just want to check it out, please use my referral link. I would really appreciate it!


Also, if you do sign up from this link, you will need to complete the steps on the main page for either of us to get the extra free space. I don't think just signing up counts, but you have to get dropbox on your computer, watch the demo video, upload 1 file, etc. Like 5 steps. I could be wrong, but I think it needs to be done. You will see what I mean when you sign up. Again, thanks to anyone that is able to help. Really helping me out!
Great app. I've been using it for awhile. Dropbox is amazing. It's a great way to install non-Market apps. I just download the apk file into My Dropbox on my computer then open it up on my Droid =)
Yea I really love Dropbox. Its just so nice to have my files/folders on any computer and my phone instantly. Dont even have to open a browser. I just love the Drop and sync. Have it on all my computers and the Android app is good too. I never even thought of the simplicity of downloading apk's with it! Lol. Now thats a idea full of win! Love me some dropbox! And 8 gigs for free...
i'm already a member so i can't sign up under your link, but i just wanted to throw my opinion out there. if you're serious about your hard drive ready to die, and it's not just something you're saying to get sympathy and have people sign up, i'd really consider saving up for an external hard drive. it's always good to have, and i'm pretty sure you have way more than 8gb worth of stuff on your computer to save.

plus anything saved on the internet isn't entirely safe. it's always better to have a physical backup not on the internet. what if dropbox goes down? you lose everything.

all i'm really saying is don't count on just dropbox and think your files are safe forever. just throwing my 2 cents out there.
Hey Issues, thanks. Its true about my computer, but the stuff I have left on there isnt all that important I guess. I have important files and pictures backed up in a few different spots all ready. I am currently on medical leave with no income so no buying anything. Probably best if I just left all the rest behind anyway lol. Like I said, I got my important stuff secured. I think I was just in "panic mode" when I posted before. Sucks losing your computer lol. Ive never been without one, I don't know if I will know how to survive!

Lol but seriously, like I said before, just want to make sure I have some space if I need. Not just fishing for freebies. Under normal circumstances, the 4 GB I have had for months is plenty of space for me! Just figured if anyone was gona sign up, might as well get us both some extra space for free! Dropbox is one of my favorite things in the world lol.

Thanks again Issues. Some very sound advice. I,ve made sure my important material is backed up in more than just one spot!
Hey Issues, thanks. Its true about my computer, but the stuff I have left on there isnt all that important. I have important files and pictures backed up in a few different spots all ready. I am currently on medical leave with no income so no buying anything. Probably best if I just left all the rest behind anyway lol. Like I said, I got my important stuff secured. I think I was just in "panic mode" when I posted before. Sucks losing your cimputer lol. Ive never been without one, I don't know if I will know how to survive!

Lol but seriously, like I said before, just want to nake sure I have some space if I need. Not just fishing for freebies. Under normal circumstances, the 4 GB I have had for months is plenty of space for me! Just figured if anyone was gona sign up, might as well get us both some extra space for free! Dropbox is one of my favorite things in the world lol.

Thanks again Issues. Some very sound advice. I,ve made sure my important material is backed up in more than just one spot!

ah, yeah i know how you feel. that's the main reason i posted what i posted about. only about a month ago, i noticed my laptop making weird beeping noises (macbook). a few google searches helped me realize it was my harddrive going. i went to the store and bought an external, saved all my pictures/music/schoolwork, a day and a half later my hard drive died.

so that's why i said it'd be best to get an external, cause i know when i saved everything it was way more than 8gb, i couldn't fit it all on my dropbox. but if you have it spread out in a few different spots that's good. as long as you can save the important stuff.

but again like i said up there, NEVER count on online storage to keep your stuff safe for long periods of time. you never know when the admin of the site decides enough is enough and just stops paying for their storage space. i lost about 3gb worth of family photos like that once.
Old News! Search the posts.

I didn't think I was the first to discover Dropbox. It wouldn't be hard to dig up old posts regarding it. What's your point? No I did not want to revive a dead post and compete with other people's referral links. It's not like Dropbox Spam is prevalent on these forums. If that was the case I wouldn't have made a new thread. If my thread bored you, why take the time to come is and be condescending? I'm sure you know what Dropbox is. You probably have it, or are not interested in it. So again, if this is old news to you, move along to something else. A troll in sheep's clothing is still a troll. Search for that.

Issues-- Computer hardware is not my thing, but I know mine is not looking good. I noticed my computer was taking a looong time to boot up. Long enough to where the moniter would go into sleep mode after I turned the system on, but before it booted up. Then the internal fan was really working overtime. You could often hear it working quite loudly. Yet no heat seemed to be prevalent. Then programs began hanging and freezing. Anyway I opened it up cleaned out the fan, and wiped the system with a factory reboot. No help. Like I said, this isn't my area of expertise, but after a little(and really very little) online research, I discovered it could be a failing HD.

As far as an external HD. I have a couple older HD's I pulled from computers I have retired. Could I hook them up as a slave and throw all my stuff on one of them? Not sure if ya know the answer, but figured I'd ask. If not, I'll do a little research.

And again, you make a good point about the backup. It's always good to have a hard copy of important things if you can--something I am not too good about. I back my stuff up on different computer(HD's of seperate machines) as well as a few different sites such as Dropbox, but I don't have any hard copies! I'm gonna work on that :)