Dual Core: A Story Of Different Performance Ft Optimus 2X and Atrix4G


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Premium Member
Sep 21, 2010
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The question of what phone does dual core best seems to finally have an answer for us. Androidandme took two of the newest dual core devices, the Optimus 2X and Atrix4G, out of their comfort zone to benchmark them in comparison with other none dual core devices. The test compared these two on many aspects, most having the Optimus 2X coming out on top but just a few had the Atrix flexing its Moto muscles.

The results below goes to show that specs don’t really define a device, the configuration is just as important.





Source (Motorola ATRIX 4G vs. LG Optimus 2X: Not all dual-cores are created equal | BGR)
This is interesting and all but the Attrix has a higher resolution so that might be why it is suffering compared tot he other devices. Perhaps both the Optimus and Attrix will benefit alot when it gets 2.3. (No clue how the Nexus S is still in the running)
So with nexus s hanging in there does that show single core still hanging in there?

Dual core isn't supported in Android phone versions yet.

Once 2.4 hits, you'll see a boost in at least real world performance. Remember, benchmarks really don't show the performance of the phone.
And regardless, the dual cores are pretty much smoking the D1 getting about 3x+ better performance.

Although it may not be noticeable to the user, the Optimus seems to have a decent edge on performance over the Atrix, but I'm not sure what the display res is for the Optimus.

Moto is going to push Webtop to all high-end phones, which is great but I wouldn't want it on a single core or a phone with less than 768 ram.
The only thing I don't get is this:

How does running a bunch of GPU benchmarks tell us ANYTHING about the efficiency of the dual CPU cores in executing code? The benchmarks used for these tests are not the correct type of benchmark for comparing CPU speed.
And regardless, the dual cores are pretty much smoking the D1 getting about 3x+ better performance.

That's because the D1 has a lower end GPU and these tests are only measuring 3D performance. In the case of the Nexus One, the GPU in the D1 is actually MORE powerful in everyday use, but tends to score much higher in synthetic benchmarks.
So...why did someone run gfx based benches to compare dual core phones when the OS cant even use dual cores yet? What a waste of time lol...
At this point, software plays a big role. Theres no hardware acceleration and no dual core support. Benchmarks mean nothing imo. The Atrix 4G runs much smoother than the Optimus 2X, despite MotoBlur.
This is interesting and all but the Attrix has a higher resolution so that might be why it is suffering compared tot he other devices. Perhaps both the Optimus and Attrix will benefit alot when it gets 2.3. (No clue how the Nexus S is still in the running)

This right here.

I never really realized that. Look at benchmarks with the iPhone 4 and it will make sense..
Lot of good points here. CNET (I think) has a video showing the Atrix head-to-head with the Desire (which I think has the latest hummingbird processor?). It smokes it, very similar to what we saw with a head-to-head between the Optimus 2X and IPhone 4.

Yeah, Android and apps aren't optimized for dual core and nothing (yet) is really out there to take complete advantage. I honestly think a lot of people are just chomping at the bit for a new phone and are rationalizing their opting for the TBolt. In about 6 months (probably sooner) there's going to be a lot of buyer's remorse around here about not having dual core.

Sure, by the end of the year quad cores will probably be out. But I think somewhere in between is the "functional frontier", if you will. Maybe that's a dual core 1.5ghz.
I have watched a few vids on the Atrix on youtube. One guy was commenting on how the Atrix still lags when doing certain things. I'm guessing there will be an update at some point that will kick those dual cores in to high gear!
I haven't observed any perceivable lag in everyday use in my atrix yet.

Tons of force closes though.

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I honestly think a lot of people are just chomping at the bit for a new phone and are rationalizing their opting for the TBolt. In about 6 months (probably sooner) there's going to be a lot of buyer's remorse around here about not having dual core.

I've said this before one of the original bionic vs atrix (or vs tbolt or just bionic threads i dont remember), that a dual core phone as of now is an investment, with the payoff coming 6 to 8 months down the road.