Earpiece speaker crackling sound


Nov 15, 2009
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When I take calls there is an annoying crackling sound on the Gnex earpiece speaker, but NOT with the external speaker when I put it on speakerphone. It sounds like the speaker itself is rattling or something. Did not do this on my D1 and our other phones (iphones) do not sound like this. This gets better if I lower the volume to about half volume, but then it is too soft to hear well. The external speaker is fine and bluetooth to the car is fine so I presume it is the speaker itself. I do have volume+ paid version. The speaker setting is at +6, but the headset setting is disabled, bluetooth setting disabled. Has anyone else noticed this? I noted some posts on the Razr forums but not on the GNex.
Have you tried turning off the voice privacy settings. Mine was similar and I turned it off and ten times better

Sent From My Sexy Nexy
was having this too a little...i'll try your method bryantjopplin!
Thanks I'll give that a try and see if this helps the crackling sound. I was wondering how to change the quick responses for an incoming call anyway. The settings menu for voice calls is hard to see, I nevered noticed it there before. What is the voice privacy supposed to do?
I heard it for the first time today. I can live with it though because I usually use my headset.
Thanks I'll give that a try and see if this helps the crackling sound. I was wondering how to change the quick responses for an incoming call anyway. The settings menu for voice calls is hard to see, I nevered noticed it there before. What is the voice privacy supposed to do?

Supposedly encrypt it more using more of the transmission wave tho making it less for quality more for privacy. Its like a firewall if you would just scrambled up more. Atleast from what I've read

Sent From My Sexy Nexy
Few calls since I changed it, but no noticeable difference. I may go by a verizon store to see if their demos do that.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I turned off the privacy thing and my calls became much nicer on my headset. Thanks for the tip.
Took my phone back and exchanged it. The Verizon rep agreed the headset speaker was likely faulty. The replacement does not have the same crackling sound the other one had. Interestingly though turning off the privacy setting does seem to make the call quality a bit clearer. The voice quality just is not as good as my OG. I played around with the other phones in the store (dialing #832). The Nexus had noticeably poorer headset quality than the Rezound or Razr.
I think when the headset volume is at about half volume or more, this may be causing excessive distortion like when you overpower loudspeakers, ie it causes "clipping". The voice call sound quality definitely is better at less than half volume. This may have been contributing to the "crackling" noise I was having. I have volume plus but it is not enabled for headset volume. I may actually try enabling it and lowering the headset volume.
This is happening to me as well. I got my Nexus on release day from best buy so I am hoping I'll be able to exchange it without any problems or fees...

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