Earpiece Volume issue ? Droid 2 Liberty 1.5


New Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Hey guys im a noob and have a Droid 2 and did liberty 1.5 rom install, went great, then did UD Theme from liberty toolbox. found earpiece volume in calls lower then it was before install, is there a way to increase earpiece volume ? besides the obvious volume control button. (its all the way up) Thats the only issue I seem to be having...... Any Help Please ?

Note: 2-14-11 Did restore backup to stock rom and volume back to normal, tried to install different volume apps from market before flashing back and nothing worked, did notice that when volume app's were opened, the in call volume was 1/4 the way down from full in the apps that I tried, turning the volume all the way up with the app did not change the volume. 4 sure something in rom I think.

Note: 2-17-11 Could not take battery life on stock rom, did clean reflash to liberty 1.5 then installed Nex Theme. seems to be better as far as volume issue goes. at least I can live with it. let me know if that works for others.
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I seem to have noticed this too. Not sure if it was intended or not.

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Bump as I too would love to know why I have to smash the phone into my ear to hear anyone.

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Same here, runnin Liberty on three phones and all have this issue.

Bumpage for anyone who can shed some light on a fix.

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