editing app framework (droid x)

Aug 19, 2010
Reaction score
Highland Park, NJ
is it possible to edit the framework of apps? I was looking to try and add a different notification icon in handcent. I tried replacing it through ninja morph, but it made handcent, for lack of a better term, disappear. it wasn't in the app drawer and the shortcut no longer worked. so is it even possible to do something like this?

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yessir. use a photo editing software to manipulate the images. I use photoshop. or use something to that level. i hear a lot about gimp. and its free.
yeah i have photoshop. cool. i used to do stuff like this on winmo. i love that you can customize down to the smallest detail, if you don't mind getting your hands dirty. thanks for the info.
not a problem, glad i can help. im also having a little trouble with some stuff. i enjoy customizing everything to kind of "Make it my own"