Email accounts gone


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score
I have had the droid for 2 months-I love it, but yesterday I lost my comcast, hotmail, and aol email accounts. It's like I never set them up. My gmail is still syncing. Anyone else have this problem?
Email accounts vanished

Yep, last Sunday all of my email acounts vanished except Gmail, so is Google not so subtly trying to get us to use just Gmail? I had three accounts set up. The way android handles email is aggravating enough without it randomly removing your accounts:mad:
me too

happened last week - also, after re-setting up my accounts i am occasionally seeing email onan email subject and getting a body from some other email, with no (seeming) way to get the email i wanted....
There are several posts on this topic in here now, Google actually has a bug on their dev site. I wish I still had the link. Anyone have it?