Email attachments don't open


Nov 20, 2009
Reaction score
Email attachments don't open, says I need an app from the market. Can anybody tell me what app?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
What kind of attachments? I have not had a problem but you could check into attachsave lite in the market...

~to powerful to fall into the wrong hands~
Mostly WMV attachments

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
did anyone find an answer to the original question?

I just gave my Galaxy Nexus to my husband to use and when he tried to open jpg attachment, he got the same message -- that he needed to download an app to be able to open the attachment.... but they don't say what app to get in the Playstore.... I received the same email with the same attachment on my Galaxy Note 2 - and had no problem opening the attachment... its just a picture... help....

What kind of attachments? I have not had a problem but you could check into attachsave lite in the market...

~to powerful to fall into the wrong hands~