Embedded pics in Gmail


Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Troy, NY
Sorry if this has already answered somewhere, I couldn't find it. When I open the Gmail app preloaded on the Droid, I can't see pics embedded in the email. However, if I go to Gmail from the browser the pictures show fine. Is there a setting or something in the app I need to change? Also is there an app to play .wmv files?
Sorry if this has already answered somewhere, I couldn't find it. When I open the Gmail app preloaded on the Droid, I can't see pics embedded in the email. However, if I go to Gmail from the browser the pictures show fine. Is there a setting or something in the app I need to change? Also is there an app to play .wmv files?

Top of the email should have a button that says something like "Show pictures". Not sure on the WMV since I have not tried them as of yet.
The "show pics" button only shows up on advertizing emails from places like Amazon and Gamefly. It doesn't show up with emails from my friends and family.
Yep...you are correct. Not sure why that is, but I just get a small question mark with no option to open it. Small jpg file for me. This is a big issue if there is not a fix.
Thanks for the help, I'll let you know if I find a fix. Have to take my wifes Droid back to Verizon again, maybe the tech guys have heard of something.
Thanks for the help, I'll let you know if I find a fix. Have to take my wifes Droid back to Verizon again, maybe the tech guys have heard of something.

Doubt it...this appears to be widespread. Did some searches and this dates back to the G1. I posted the issues on the Android bug page, only to find I was not the first by any means. Many many posts on this issue.
The pictures you are getting from your friends / family are not embedded, they are attachments. In order to be embedded the picture would have to be hosted somewhere like photobucket and linked with img html tags in the e-mail (assuming the e-mail isn't plain text).

I will send myself a test image and see what happens...
The pictures you are getting from your friends / family are not embedded, they are attachments. In order to be embedded the picture would have to be hosted somewhere like photobucket and linked with img html tags in the e-mail (assuming the e-mail isn't plain text).

I will send myself a test image and see what happens...

Do not attach it. Go into you account and choose "insert picture" from a program like Outlook. It will then put the image in the body of the email.
This is a big issue if there is not a fix.

Funny how people say that about almost everything they find...

Well this one is for me. I get images all the time, many of which are inserted into the body of the image, not being able to view them is kind of a big thing on a google phone that promotes Gmail and requires you to set up a Gmail account.
If I view an email through the gmail app, I have get a question mark in the body of the email, where the pic should be. The pic is at the bottom as an attachment, that I have to preview each time. If I open gmail through the browser, the pictures show up in the body of the email, the way they are supposed to.
Interesting, it seems that gmail doesn't handle those cases as an attachment (which it is) so it is some how breaking on the phone. Interesting to see if other android phones have that issue.
Interesting, it seems that gmail doesn't handle those cases as an attachment (which it is) so it is some how breaking on the phone. Interesting to see if other android phones have that issue.

They do...this is a big issue since the G1. I have looked at hundreds of reports on this, many of which, are on the AndroidOS bug report forum.
Interesting, it seems that gmail doesn't handle those cases as an attachment (which it is) so it is some how breaking on the phone. Interesting to see if other android phones have that issue.

That is very correct. It is much easier to say embed though since most use it that way. If you say attach, they will either select attach or just drag and drop...both of which work fine in Gmail. It is the insert image that fails (mistakingly, but widely, referred to as embedded).