Eris upgrade


New Member
Nov 9, 2009
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I am extremely new to the smartphone and am looking at the Eris & the Droid. Can the Eris be upgraded to the 2.0 and upgrade from google maps to the google navagation. Thanks for all your help.
right now there aren't updates for the eris to 2.0. if navigation is a big thing for you, i'd go for the motorola droid. i'm hoping there will be an update at some point in time.
HTC has stated that they will be releasing a 2.0 upgrade for the Hero/Eris Soon. Many read this to be Q1 next year, but no hard information is available yet.

Also, there is no evidence that states if Google Nav will or will not be in this build. So, we'll have to wait and see.
If you are wrondering why though, the answer is that HTC is working on porting the HTC Sense UI over to work on Android 2.0 correctly.

Its a lot of work to get every piece of customization working correctly and I am sure HTC will do an awesome job when they release Sense UI for Android 2.0!
I asked one of the sales reps at Verizon Wireless about why the Droid runs 2.0 and the Eris runs 1.5. He wasn't sure, but he did say that an upgrade is planned for the Eris. I pressed him for a timeline, but he didn't know anything more...
The verizon sales rep I dealt with told me the Eris wouldn't be getting 2.0 and tried repeatedly to pressure me into buying a moto droid.
The verizon sales rep I dealt with told me the Eris wouldn't be getting 2.0 and tried repeatedly to pressure me into buying a moto droid.

Hmmm.... Anyone know if Verizon sales folks sell on commission?
The verizon sales rep I dealt with told me the Eris wouldn't be getting 2.0 and tried repeatedly to pressure me into buying a moto droid.

Hmmm.... Anyone know if Verizon sales folks sell on commission?
Verizon Employees usually have a set hourly wage and then commission on top of it. I have been working for Verizon for a year now and I can tell you that some agents do tend to push the Droid over the Eris, mainly due to the popularity factor and Android 2.0 with the Navigation. The Eris is a great phone, don't get me wrong...I am working on getting one myself.
Of course verizon salespeople will push the droid, just for the price=more commission...Don't forget christmas is coming, so are commission checks...

There was a post in this forum for the list of fixes for the eris, and the navagation is one, also yahoo mail..Suppose to be out on Dec. 11th or around there...
Of course verizon salespeople will push the droid, just for the price=more commission...Don't forget christmas is coming, so are commission checks...

There was a post in this forum for the list of fixes for the eris, and the navagation is one, also yahoo mail..Suppose to be out on Dec. 11th or around there...

To tell you the truth we actually make more from the lower priced handsets, non-pda's. so far by the looks of will be a good shopping season for the company.
Yeah toxik i was going to state the same thing, just because a unit costs more to a consumer doesn't mean a person getting commission is getting more because of it.
The HTC sense UI has to catch up. On HTC's website, the HERO IS getting updated to 2.0. The Eris specs in the same, so I would bank that it gets the upgrade as well, just need HTC sense to catch up....sense is frickin bomb, and nothing compares to it as far as making a phone personal. Scenes? No wonder HTC won gadget of the year!