Even Nokia's Partner Intel Thinks they Should have Gone with Android


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Not long ago, we did an editorial on Nokia's strange move of partnering with Microsoft on the WP7 OS for smartphones, instead of Android. Since then, many others have echoed the sentiment that this was a poor strategic move on their part. In fact, recently, the CEO of Intel, one of Nokia's direct partners, said, “they should have chosen Android.” This is especially interesting because Nokia and Intel are partnered in the development of a competitor OS, the MeeGo. Maybe in the future, Nokia will recognize their misstep and make a course correction when their contracts with Microsoft expire. I guess that business, even more than politics, "makes for strange bedfellows."

Source: Phandroid
I agree and disagree. I love android. But maybe Nokia can have some persuasion with Microsoft on their mobile OS and make it a good mobile OS. You never know.
I for one hope this nokia/ms alliance succeeds. Apple leaped ahead a bit at first, but it's still a niche platform due to its horrendous restrictions and will not be a real competitor. Once android becomes the default mobile OS it'll grow complacent... real competition will help avoid this and probably fuel more innovation.
im all for MS doing well. They are working with the devs that make custom rom. As much as I hate MS for their greed(most of the time) they are doing a good thing with their Mobil OS.
The reason I ambivalent about MS is when I bought my Tilt 2 with 6.5 I was told it would be able to upgrade to 7. About a month later the truth came out and I had an orphan phone.

I've had my Droid 1 for little over 6 months and it's been updated twice. True it's at the end of the line, but I don't feel like a sap for buying it.