Every Droidier's Nightmare


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Soo.. for the first time, my droid fell on plain concrete floor. I had it on my clip case on my belt, and for some reason my case flipped upside down and the lid if the case opened and my droid fell screen down on concrete.

It was about a 3 feet fall and like anyone else, i stopped breathing for like 5 seconds.

I went to pick up the phone and I was scared to look at the screen because of all the comments and articles sayings the screen cracks easily.

After much waiting, i looked at my phone and it was 100% OK. No scratch(i don't have a screen cover), no crack, no nothing.
good to hear! i had a pig knock my phone out of my hand screen down onto concrete. it survived too:)

who says the screen is easy to crack/scratch? its protected by gorilla glass!
There was a thread a few days ago discussing the glass. It us made with gorilla glass and while it can crack or break its not as fragille as you've been led to believe. Naturally you're going to hear more about bad experiences then good ones.

I've dropped my Droid a few times and I don't have it in a case. Its good as new still.:)
Oh no the famous "wild boar attacks Droid" incident LOL. Glad to hear your Droid safe and sound and hope o don't have to experience it.

P.S. if that's tour real phone number under your avatar you might want to change if you want to keep it private LOL I did the same thing when I first filled out my profile. Nice to see a fellow Floridian lol
P.S. if that's tour real phone number under your avatar you might want to change if you want to keep it private LOL I did the same thing when I first filled out my profile.
I interpreted this as where we would put our phone brand and/or model..

cuskit ;)

Yeah lol, I have a strange habit of automatically adding extra words in my head as I read lol. I only saw phone and my head automatically assumed it meant phone number. If it had said phone model then that would have been a different story lol :D
One fall from hip to tile floor in Target, only did the shut off/sleep mode thing so I had momentary panic at the jewelry counter while I wrassled my body glove case off (no easy task, added to the heart palpitations induced by the droid fall) and popped out the battery and popped it back in then waiting waiting hyperventilating waiting panic attack waiting then DRRRROOOOOIIIID phrew!

No issues with the glass, so far so good.
ok - so all the anxiety when a Droid drops...did I just come to the realization that there is NO backup (since I can't seem to sync everything on my Mac)? Contacts are backed up. Was told my paid apps were, but when I rebooted yesterday and searched for them - they weren't there. (so I purchased them again) How do I backup my system so that I can smile and call Asurion when I break this thing? ;-)
Had a drop the other day... was the 2nd or 3rd one (i know, clutz) but the Droid has held up. I've got one minor scratch on the bottom right hand corner... but doesn't bother me... this phone is pretty durable I must say :)
Glad to hear your phone is okay. That would scare the crap out of me.