Exclusive: Hands on with the HTC Thunderbolt 4G


The GRD Dev Team
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Exclusive: Hands on with the HTC Thunderbolt 4G

Posted by Allen Kiehl on January 5, 2011 15 Comments

[COLOR=orange ! important][FONT=inherit ! important][COLOR=orange ! important][FONT=inherit ! important]HTC[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] Thunderbolt Browser, AndroidSPIN.com

We managed to get our hands on one of the new HTC Thunderbolt 4G’s today and took a few pictures for your viewing pleasure. As well we also managed to run a Quadrant Benchmark and show the results (which are at the bottom of this post). Our source who shared the device with us, informed us that the battery life does not seem too good, however it was hard to quantify given their short time with the device. We can say that the device does feel very responsive and smooth. Over the next few days more should be revealed as the official release is due at [COLOR=orange ! important][FONT=inherit ! important][COLOR=orange ! important][FONT=inherit ! important]CES[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] 2011.

Here’s the specs from as far as we could tell:

And now for the rest of the pictures:

HTC Thunderbolt Front

HTC Thunderbolt Stand

HTC Thunderbolt Quadrant

Credit to : Android spin
come on guys this phone looks pretty beast even coming pre loaded with a 32 gb card a little dissapointing knowing only hAS A 1 GHZ PROCESSOR especially since my Droid 2 global has a 1.2ghz processor but this phone also has 8gb of on board memory
Hard to get excited about a single core device in the wake of all the dual core devices. Any word on how much RAM?

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565mb rumored ram but motorola's sites has it at 1gb ram
come on guys this phone looks pretty beast even coming pre loaded with a 32 gb card a little dissapointing knowing only hAS A 1 GHZ PROCESSOR especially since my Droid 2 global has a 1.2ghz processor but this phone also has 8gb of on board memory

Sure, your droid pro has 1.2ghz, but the Thunderbolt uses the next generation snapdragon which runs faster at lower speeds. I will side with you in that it should have been dual core, but for a single core phone this will be plenty fast.

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