Extended battery not so extended.


New Member
Oct 6, 2010
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Ok so I bought an extended battery for my droid x. And I don't exactly feel like im getting that whole extended part. I have it on max battery mode.. the display is all but turned off.. wifi disabled. Wtf? I don't understand... I mean idk I may be paranoid but its only been a day and I've been in school and work 97% of the time and its already down to 30%. Is anyone else having issues??

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Check your setting and apps and widgets and whatever what might be pulling on your dx processor.

Swyped while being lazy in the DXForumApp
K I have the extended battery also and so far I notice a big differance, my phone lasts way longer. Plus what helps me is that once im done with an app I shut it down if not it will run on the backround, I also have the screen at the lowest setting...let me know if it works any questions feel free to ask

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i am using watchdog,since using it ive found a few apps that are drawing more than there fair share of power and cpu.....i had to uninstall vlingo in car,its caused problems twice now in a week,that watchdogs caught.....also i use juicedefender,it will time your data out and run it only a minute every 15 saving you power,you can always refresh....set your e mail accts and syncs to sync never,or every few hrs instead of 15 minutes...I let gmail sync on its own,everythign else i refresh when i want,this saves juice....
Yeah dude there are ALOT of factors to your battery usage.

And remember, the extended battery is only about an addition 20% over stock.
its been said up there but again it can really depend what kinda widgets / data services etc are being run on your phone

I unplugged my phone at 5am - used the LED light to illuminate my closer and to get dressed (10 minutes) I use this because my gf hatesss when i turn the light on to get ready.....I then used bluetooth streaming pandora on my way to work (10 minute) texted all day at work (full 9 hour ****) then bluetooth and pandora on the way home, browsed some apps, updated others, some facebook....and at 5pm yesterday I was at 70 percent

I have facebook updating every 4 hours, and weather service every 2...other than that just running rubix 1.6

maybe give a new ROM a try?
I can get 20+ hours sometimes with the extended battery on my X.

Today its been unplugged now for 5 hours and Im still over 90% with light usage so far.
its been said up there but again it can really depend what kinda widgets / data services etc are being run on your phone

I unplugged my phone at 5am - used the LED light to illuminate my closer and to get dressed (10 minutes) I use this because my gf hatesss when i turn the light on to get ready.....I then used bluetooth streaming pandora on my way to work (10 minute) texted all day at work (full 9 hour ****) then bluetooth and pandora on the way home, browsed some apps, updated others, some facebook....and at 5pm yesterday I was at 70 percent

I have facebook updating every 4 hours, and weather service every 2...other than that just running rubix 1.6

maybe give a new ROM a try?

What's an ROM? Sorry im new to all this lingo lol

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its been said up there but again it can really depend what kinda widgets / data services etc are being run on your phone

I unplugged my phone at 5am - used the LED light to illuminate my closer and to get dressed (10 minutes) I use this because my gf hatesss when i turn the light on to get ready.....I then used bluetooth streaming pandora on my way to work (10 minute) texted all day at work (full 9 hour ****) then bluetooth and pandora on the way home, browsed some apps, updated others, some facebook....and at 5pm yesterday I was at 70 percent

I have facebook updating every 4 hours, and weather service every 2...other than that just running rubix 1.6

maybe give a new ROM a try?

What's an ROM? Sorry im new to all this lingo lol

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no worries it never hurts to ask :)

a ROM is pretty much a different version of the current operating system for the droid X, normally ROMS are optimized for speed and battery life.

you go into the droid x section of the forum you will see a ROMS section, there you can find the various ROMS developers have made for the device

feel free to ask if you any further questions
Try Juice Defender lite for a few days and see if that helps
Also if your signal sucks that will be a huge drain even in idle mode

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slidered from a wifi monolith
Thanks guys! I put some apps in my sd card and deleted some widgets and its all good now :) thanks for evwryones help

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I can get 20+ hours sometimes with the extended battery on my X.

Today its been unplugged now for 5 hours and Im still over 90% with light usage so far.

That's awesome! That is kind of what I was getting with SS4.7 and UDX8. I change to TUD1.0 and I am getting slightly less battery juice left. I have been trying different kernels and hope i find the right one. But all in all, it is still better than when I was not rooted!

...sent from my Rooted Droid 1 @ 1.25ghz using tapatalk
Yeah and I run Rubix Focused and overclocked medium voltage @ 1.45ghz too!