Extended battery with original back causes problem with screen


Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
I have the extended battery for my X. I was going to use the original back so I could use my innocase case with it. However when I put in the extended battery and put on the battery with the original back it causes a water mark type thing on the screen. it gets larger with pressing on the screen. When I take off the original gateau back it goes away. Now I know the way answer is stop using the stock battery back lol. But I am moe curious as to why it happens and if there is a way to fix it.
its just too much pressure. i use the ext battery with the correct back and my innocase fits fine..

ur gonna cause permanent damage if you keep using the stock back..
Yes I stopped using that combination when u realized it was satisfying the problem. Gear to know Imy innocase will fit.
Most cases should fit with ext. battery cover installed.