Extra Menu On Swype


Aug 1, 2010
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I found an extra menu on swype just a minute ago on accident. Swipe from the "capitalization" key to "Z" and it will bring up another menu with Cut, Paste, selection keys, page up/down and all kinds of other tricks. Capitalization has to be on when you do this or else it won't work.

Pretty cool stuff. I wish they included a **** manual with this thing so we didn't have to stumble upon this stuff, we would just know about it. Oh well, i still love my X dancedroid
Swype key to "sym" key does the same thing and caps don't need to be on.

Actually, you swype from the "swype" key to the "SYM" key to get to the Editing Keyboard. It is in the help tips in Swype - you access help by just tapping the "swype" key.

Like you, I found this by accident when looking for something else.

Oh, and there is a manual. Press and hold the swype key.

Whoops. Simultaneous answers (mine got interrupted by crazy people who almost had a car wreck in front of my house yelling at each other)
I mean a written manual... I do remember when they had a paperback manual that came with cell phones to show you all the features. It was a nice reference when you had a question on how to do something. Today you have to call China to find out how to sort your contact list by last name instead of first.