Extremely Amateur Question About JRO3L ROM And Flashing ROMS In General


Jul 7, 2011
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I finally decided to be brave and unlock, root and flash my first ROM yesterday because I was tired of waiting for OTA Jellybean. More by luck than judgement I got the JRO03L mmuzzy ROM from XDA to flash despite not knowing what the heck I was doing. Initially it hung at the boot screen and then I cleared the cache, davlik cache and did a system wipe. It took about 3 minutes to boot and works like a dream It's faster, more responsive, has a better battery life and of course Google Now and the new assistant so I want to keep it. The problem I'm having which maybe isn't even a problem is that when I turn my phone off and turn it back on it hangs on the Google screen with the (unlocked) lock. I was able to boot into clockwork, back up everything and re-flash (although now I don't remember if I restored the backup or installed from SD card again, I just know my apps and everything I had set up were there when it booted.) but I'm terrified to turn the phone off again. I generally don't turn my phone off but I'm concerned that if it reboots randomly or it accidentally turns off in my pocket that I won't be able to turn it back on if I need to. Can anyone tell me what I may have done wrong or what I should be doing to make sure that I won't get stuck on the screen? Any help would be hugely appreciated. And if the solution is a really simple one, please excuse my ignorance, I know absolutely nothing about how flashing roms works and it was a minor miracle that I was even able to get it up and running yesterday.
It is said that when JB boots if it detects a problem it rubs a file system check like fsck in other Unix platforms.
That can take a while.

I don't know how long you waited but it can take up to 10 minutes sometimes.
Thanks for the response. I probably didn't wait ten minutes but I would say it was a good 7 or 8 minutes where it was stuck on the google screen. It booted considerably faster after I backed it up and re-flashed it. To that point I had not made a backup of anything so maybe that had something to do with it. I'm completely new to flashing roms so I'm a little in the dark as to when I should be concerned and when I shouldn't.
Yeah just wait it out if it hangs on the Google logo. One thing you could try is going on to droidmodderx.com and he has a jelly bean boot loader image u can flash. It helped with my gnex. I give droidmodderx a lot of props, every time I had a issue I found a fix on his website. Just flash the image after u flash a jb ROM. Somebody correct me if I am wrong.
Ok cool, thank you. I'll look into it. Yeah the ROM runs perfectly it's just this one small issue. I'll definitely check the image out though because I can't go back to ICS now that I've experience JB.
Yeah this is an error checking thing that is implemented in JB. If it senses an error, or possibility of an error it will take a bit to boot up. For example, if you battery pull, your chances of a long bootup are increased since you didn't shutdown properly.

There are numerous "fixes" ; installing the JB bootloader, don't use *insert recovery here*, use *insert ROM here*, put a boot animation in /data/local, reboot into recovery first then boot into OS from it, and many others. None of them have a 100% success rate, which is why I put fixes in quotes. Most of these make zero sense to me, but whatever works for folks.

Personally if I were plagued by long boot times, I would boot into recovery and run e2fsck (file system check) via adb on the data partition and see what it says. ( e2fsck(8): check ext2/ext3/ext4 file system - Linux man page ) Alternatively, I would be contemplating a complete wipe of my device. In your situation though, since you recently unlocked you are starting with a clean slate.
Thank you for your response. Yeah it's going to be a learning process. I will have to try a few different things and see if it makes a difference. Since I don't have work today I'll do a bit of experimenting and see if I can find a solution. I appreciate everyone's help and suggestions.
It ended up just being as simple as giving it some time to boot. I turned it off and it took about 3 minutes to boot today. Not ideal but certainly something I can live with to keep this great rom. Thanks for the feedback guys.
It ended up just being as simple as giving it some time to boot. I turned it off and it took about 3 minutes to boot today. Not ideal but certainly something I can live with to keep this great rom. Thanks for the feedback guys.

Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad it worked out so well for you. Give me a shout if I can help with anything. I check the XDA thread more than anything but I try to watch as many sites as I can. Lots to learn from these guys. :)
Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad it worked out so well for you. Give me a shout if I can help with anything. I check the XDA thread more than anything but I try to watch as many sites as I can. Lots to learn from these guys. :)
You're welcome. I'm really enjoying it. I'll probably join XDA because I'd really like to learn how to do some of the awesome stuff you guys do. Keep up the good work!