ezeStand - Picture Trivia Giveaway Contest


Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Hello Droid Forum Members!
ezeStand gave away two ezeStand bundles last week to Facebook fans (Congratulations Marc S. and Frank O.) and now we're ready to giveaway more!
I've had a couple of people ask me about the background image behind some of the ezeStand photos, so let's see if anyone can figure it out and we'll send you a free ezeStand bundle (1 ezeStand & a 6' Right Angle Micro USB cable)!

So here it is ... if you can reply back to this thread and tell us what the picture is behind the army of ezeStands ... you WIN! This might be very easy for someone and if so we'll come up with another contest soon. If not, I'll provide a clue each day until it is solved. Good luck and Thanks!
You got me there..... I have no idea, but enough dive bar experiences in my life made me know right off what it was :)
It is Williams Pin-Bot!
Nicely done SL-1200!
Yep, circa 1986 ... one of the classic droids ... PINBOT!
I have to give credit to dvap00 as well for figuring out it was a pinball machine, so congratulations - you both win!!! :icon_ banana::icon_ banana:

I'll send you a PM with the details to collect your ezeStand bundle!

Thanks for posting,
Great!! Thanks ezeStand!!! Take that mom!! Hanging out in bars CAN HAVE GOOD CONSEQUENCES :)
Great!! Thanks ezeStand!!! Take that mom!! Hanging out in bars CAN HAVE GOOD CONSEQUENCES :)
:yr1: That was the best reply I've seen in a long time! Congratulations and thanks to ezeStand for the contest!
I just ordered an ezeStand and Micro USB cable over the weekend, I'm looking forward to finally getting one to replace the useless official multimedia dock that I accidentally purchased before I realized that my phone with its case couldn't fit into it.
I got my EzeStand in the mail today, all I can say is SWEET!!! I can't believe I didn't order one of these before!..... One question though.... Is there a way to make the screen stay on when it is in multimedia dock mode? I have searched and am slightly impatient today (Fridays seem to do that to me. Thanks!!
I got my EzeStand in the mail today, all I can say is SWEET!!! I can't believe I didn't order one of these before!..... One question though.... Is there a way to make the screen stay on when it is in multimedia dock mode? I have searched and am slightly impatient today (Fridays seem to do that to me. Thanks!!
I think I have the answer ...
There is an obscure setting and some people seem to have it set by default and others don't. Go to "Settings" - "Applications" - "Development" and then make sure the "Stay Awake" check box is checked. This will make sure your phone stays awake while charging by either USB or AC wall charger.
Glad you like the ezeStand!
Got mine the other day. No complaints on the shipping, it's sent quickly after you order and you receive it within a few days. I really like how it's not just a dock and you can use it as a normal stand for your phone with it set vertical. This is by far the best dock for the Droid, in my opinion.
Got my ezeStand about a week ago (fast shipping!) and it is great! Solid, easy to use and very practical! The 90 degree micro usb cable is great and makes the device very easy to use when plugged in. Thanks again ezeStand! Definitely recommended!
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