Facebook App: "An error had occurred while fetching data" [null]


New Member
Feb 8, 2011
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First time here, did a search but found no applicable results. I apologize if this has been addressed already but I couldn't find this issue when I searched the forums.

When I refresh the Facebook app on my Droid Incredible I get the message "An error had occurred while fetching data" [null], and no refresh. This almost always happens after 5 pm CST.

Does anyone else have this problem, have suggestions or a fix (or a link to the aforementioned)? Would be much appreciated. Any help is much appreciated.
This is usually when there's no data connection(or ur switching from 3G to WiFi). Are you just getting home and jumping on wiFi when this occurs?

Sent from my AMOLED 2.3.2 Incredible
Sometimes... but in a case like tonight, I'd been home for at least 4 hours when it occurred. So, if I prevent my 3G from switching to WiFi, it could possibly solve the problem?
btw, if this helps... my gmail accounts and other apps refresh normally as they should while this occurs...
Sometimes... but in a case like tonight, I'd been home for at least 4 hours when it occurred. So, if I prevent my 3G from switching to WiFi, it could possibly solve the problem?

Ya just make sure ur on either wifi or 3G. Sometimes when ur phone is idle it drops the wifi connection till the phone wakes up. Keep an eye on it and wait till it fully reconnects before refreshin. Should take care of it.

Sent from my AMOLED 2.3.2 Incredible
I will give that a try... thanks so much for your help and patience with a Droid newbie!
I will give that a try... thanks so much for your help and patience with a Droid newbie!

Its all good. We're all noobs at some point. Hope it works for ya man.

Sent from my AMOLED 2.3.2 Incredible
This makes no sense to me, I'm on 3G now and I get the same thing when I'm looking @ the news feed, or my own profile. However.. I can bring up other people's profiles. This has been going on... on & off ever since I got this phone in April of last year... it's intermittent but seems to be broken more often that not. I usually just use the web...

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Is background data enabled? News wont refresh unless its enabled.

Sent from my 2.3.2 AMOLED Incredible
Facebook for Android

The version of FB that comes with the droids is a half hearted and slimmed down version of the real one. Just go and download the market update for Facebook for android and all your null issues and can't refresh will be solved!! :)
sometimes when i have this or similar issues with my FB app, i have to uninstall all the updates and then reinstall the updates to fix the app.