Having big problems here. I went through all of my contacts and MANUALLY linked them with their facebook profiles. Everything was fine (except for them not showing up in handcent, even after updates and they DO show up in the stock msg app) EXCEPT for that i accidentally deleted one contacts facebook profile. The only way to get this back is to remove all facebook data (via the facebook app) so i did that and resynced. I was told that it would resync (since all the names had been changed over in the contact list to their match their facebook names) everyone in my contacts to their facebook profile and the deleted profile would reappear (which it did) and that it they would show up in handcent. Problems are: it only resynced like 6 random contacts out of 55 and that they STILL don't show up in handcent. Should i go through and manually sync them up again, or just wait and see if they populate in and what about handcent? thanks.