Facebook contact syncing problem


New Member
Nov 20, 2010
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I apologize, I know this has been asked before, but how do I unsync my facebook contacts in my phonebook without deleting my entire facebook account? When I go to settings > accounts > facebook, the only option I have is to remove the account entirely. Please help point me in the right direction.
That was one of the first options I noticed where gone when I got my Droid 2. :icon_evil:
Don't believe you can due to Blur
1. Go into 'Contacts'
2. Menu Button > Import/Export > Export to SD card
3. Menu Button > Accounts > Uncheck 'Auto-sync'
4. Go back to home screens
5. Menu Button > Settings > Applications > Manage applications > All
6. Navigate to 'Contacts Storage'
7. Clear Data
8. Go into contacts
9. Menu Button > Accounts > Facebook > remove account*
10. Menu Button > Import/Export > Import from SD card
11. Menu Button > Accounts > add account > Facebook
12. Choose option 'Sync with existing contacts'

*If you get an error then try force killing Social Networking, and trying again
Menu Button > Settings > Applications > Running Processes > Social Networking

{{ WugFresh }}

Hey, i was looking around on my droid x2, (so it may not be the same, but anywho) and i found another way than exporting to sd card. You go to contacts, options, display options, and then click on facebook and un-check it.
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