Facebook messenger app wont notify me anymore.


New Member
Apr 12, 2012
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For some odd reason out of the blue my Facebook messenger app wont notify me anymore with a sound or message, I have tried resetting my phone to factory settings and still get the same result. It was working perfectly normal before. This has been going on for about 2 weeks now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For some odd reason out of the blue my Facebook messenger app wont notify me anymore with a sound or message, I have tried resetting my phone to factory settings and still get the same result. It was working perfectly normal before. This has been going on for about 2 weeks now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My friend just got switched over to the Timeline on FB. She isn't very FB or Android savvy so I am not sure if her doing something on her phone or the changing to the timeline changed her fb msger options.