Facebook Notifications


New Member
Aug 13, 2010
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After a recent update (of what, I am not sure), I have been getting facebook notifications to my droid. I have them marked as deactivated in the facebook app, so I think that it is the social networking app.

I cannot find any options in the social networking app to turn off notifications, and it was never doing this before. The only option I see is to remove my facebook account from the social networking app, but then that would interfere with my address book as I have many contacts info linked, or directly from their facebook profile. It NEVER did this before, and it is VERY aggravating...

Thoughts? Ideas?

Thank you in advance
FB notifications have been unreliable at best; sometimes they come through, sometimes not, and I haven't found a good solution for this. The Android FB app is not very fluid with the rest of the network, IMO.
I've been having the same issues. I don't need to be notified on my phone the second that someone replies to my wall post. When I have time, I will simply open the facebook app.
When did it start for you? It was 3-4 days ago for me.

I think it is actually the social networking app is to blame, because I get TWO notifications when I receive a fb message in my inbox.
To the OP: I had the same issue after the FB update. I enabled notifications, backed out of the app, then went back in and disabled the notifications and haven't had one from that app since then.
Mafioso: I found the app F+, I think it's $0.99 on the market or something like that, and it is the best app I've found for notifications, it works 99% of the time and is easy to use, and lets you customize how you want it to handle notifications when you click on them (i.e. open the Facebook app, the Touch web site, or another app).
The only downside I've found to F+ is that if you don't back out of the notification list, you'll get notifications, but it won't update the list until you back out and then re-open the app. It's just a minor annoyance though, nothing deal-breaking.
Mafioso: I found the app F+, I think it's $0.99 on the market or something like that, and it is the best app I've found for notifications, it works 99% of the time and is easy to use, and lets you customize how you want it to handle notifications when you click on them (i.e. open the Facebook app, the Touch web site, or another app).

Thanks for the tip, but I can't seem to find an app called F+ in the Market.
just an update it's happening to me no matter what I do, what's even better is the retards changed the email for the app so emailing them doesn't work.
Wifey just told me that she is getting this FB notification spam on her new DX. They are showing up as new Text Messages - I hope that they are actually just stuck there by the FB app on her phone and aren't really SMS because we have limited text on our plan so this could cost us $$.
I turned off the FB updates on Settings/Accounts & Sync/ FB Synch so I wouldn't get spammed to death with every movement a friend makes.
I also turned off most notifications on the FB side.