Facebook permissions


Sep 23, 2012
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This am I was listening to the Kid Kradick Show (forgive me if misspelled) and they were discussing Facebook and the messenger app permissions, then I saw a post by a friend on Facebook. This is what I had to say:

I heard about this in the radio this am. OK yes it all sounds like Facebook is over stepping there boundaries. But think for a moment what the app does and how it's able to do these things, I'm not techy so u techies correct me if I'm wrong. In order to call some one from ur messenger wouldn't the app need to read you contacts? In order to take a pic with the app and send that pic with the app wouldn't the app need to access ur camera/ gallery? If u read the permissions on 90% of the apps you use I'm pretty sure they too "over step there boundaries" As I said I'm not techy so correct if I'm wrong.

So I decided to discuss it here with ppl I know who know what they are talking about.

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Blown out of proportion IMO. Look at all the permissions for apps like Kik, Viber, Google+, Hangouts, etc. Most social media apps and messaging apps have very similar permissions.

Unless I am missing something...
Blown out of proportion IMO. Look at all the permissions for apps like Kik, Viber, Google+, Hangouts, etc. Most social media apps and messaging apps have very similar permissions.

Unless I am missing something...
The exact same thing I was thinking. It amazes me how ppl will make a decision with out educating themselves. I had friends saying they were deleting the app ASAP lol. Little do they know the other 10 apps they have on there phone have the same permissions smh

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Just another example of poorly informed people making a big deal out of something people have been accepting over the last few months/years.
Perhaps people are still upset with FB for the whole newsfeed scandal where they secretly tried to control the mood of over a half million FB users by purposely posting negative stories on their news feed in an attempt to influence peoples emotions. (probably not)
Still, I'm surprised their wasn't a mass exodus of people deleting their accounts. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jun/29/facebook-users-emotions-news-feeds
Just goes to show how little people care about their privacy. Pretty sad.

tap'n on my S5
Sadly, it goes to show ignorant we are assumed to be. Most people are only mad after they find out. I assume it is happening to begin with.
Agree with froggie, definitely blown out of proportion.

What I'm not happy about is the necessity of Messenger to use the chat function in the Facebook app, now that is just dumb to me. Before I had a choice to deny it, but after the latest Facebook update they're forcing that change, one I am not a fan of.
Facebook didn't buy WhatsApp for no reason. I sense some serious integration in the near future. Who knows? They need to generate revenue somehow.
Facebook didn't buy WhatsApp for no reason. I sense some serious integration in the near future. Who knows? They need to generate revenue somehow.

I think in the upcoming time they are going to replace the Facebook messenger with WhatsApp or may be something like that same in near future ! I am sure that you have heard the news that Facebook has started forcing its messenger application over to its users. So, I guess that shows what Facebook has in its mind.