Facebook Sync Problem


New Member
Dec 12, 2009
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When I synced my Facebook contacts, I ended up with a weird problem I'm hoping someone can help me with.

My husband is a Jr., and both he and his father are on FB. Also, he has a cousin with the same first/last name (but different middle name). So on FB they are listed as:

First MI Last (John F Smith)
First Last (John Smith)
First Middle Last. (John Michael Smith)

However, when I synced my facebook, all three of these contacts were put under First Last (John Smith) in my contact book, and I can't for the LIFE of me figure out how to separate them. It lists all their phone numbers, emails, and FB accounts under one name... I can tell its going to get VERY confusing.

Any suggestions??
I have the same problem with my nephew and my cousin. I just deleted the contact, removed facebook contact sync, and re-added my removed contact manually. Big pain in the arse, hope this gets fixed.
the facebook/droid sync sounded great on paper
but, in actuality, you cannot really expect it to do any more than it does

99% of people would NEVER put their cell phone numbers in their facebook profile, anyway
so...... besides avatar/profile pictures, there is little to need or want.... IMHO, of course
Actually, for what its worth, a large majority of my FB friends have their cell numbers in their profiles... as well as their landline numbers and their email address, which is another area of functionality I wish to utilize in my phone... and having it entered automatically rather than me having to type in 200 email addresses is definitely a bonus.

However having my husband, his father, and his cousin all linked in one single contact is an annoying bug and one that I don't think is unrealistic to be searching for a solution for.
I think Lumpy has the solution for now...erasing them and then doing them manually...I had to do the same thing.
You have to edit the contact, click the options button again, click separate, then edit again and click join, then choose the facebook person you want to associate with that contact.
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