Facts! Can u rely on DROID?


Premium Member
Premium Member
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
Germany, Near Frankfurt/Main
Hey guys,

as most of u all know, i own a STROM 1 by now and cant totally rely on that phone. Dropped Calls, empty battery, low radio, bad talk quality, unwanted reboots, lot apps not working, losen click-display and so on and so on...

Now how bout the DROID, is anyone using it as "work phone"?
Can u really rely on that Phone?

Tell me teh truth ;)

I am sorry to hear that like many people, things did not work out so well for you and the Storm.

I can honestly tell you that I run my life, small business, and church stuff all on my Droid. Now I have honestly not had it long enough to truly say that it is perfectly dependable. Especially with the Droid being the first device to run Android 2.0. I am sure there are going to be some bugs somewhere.

I can also tell you that I am a big fan of the Open Source Community! I have been running my busy life completely with Open Source Software. I only run Linux, and I can say it has not let me down. I am also careful and do my backups.

I am very confident that if there is some problem found with the Droid, the thousands of Open Source people will find a solution. That to me is the biggest advantage of Open Source. We are not stuck with 1 company to come up with a solution. We have a huge community of people that what to have the best software they can make at their disposal. They make this software available to others.

I am the type of person that does a lot of research and thinking before making a decision. After carefully looking at what my choices are, looking at the track record of everything available. There was only one clear solution. Android!

I am sure that the Droid would be able to do everything your Storm does and more. I am sure that you could depend on it.

Best of luck!
Hey guys,

as most of u all know, i own a STROM 1 by now and cant totally rely on that phone. Dropped Calls, empty battery, low radio, bad talk quality, unwanted reboots, lot apps not working, losen click-display and so on and so on...

Now how bout the DROID, is anyone using it as "work phone"?
Can u really rely on that Phone?

Tell me teh truth ;)


No issues here. All alarms or alerts work, not a single reboot, no lockups, no dropped calls and no missed messages that I am aware of.
Hey Earthwalker!

Thanx for ur feedback, now that was wat i waited for. Its pretty much the same for me, running my entire life on linux (where possible), and i even need a smartphone for that. I am still crazy for the Milestone! Just dont want to spend another 400 bucks on something that isnt working!


Looking roward to ur all reviews !

Easily the most stable smartphone I've yet experienced (for both business and pleasure)... So Far