Failed install of ics .232


New Member
Dec 20, 2011
Reaction score
when trying to update to 232 from stock i get E:failed to verify whole-file sugnature E:signature verification failed installation aborted.

i have tryed wiping cache 3 different download links. not sure what the problem is.
i didnt want to fxz it never works on my 7 64 bit system. the phone is completely stock any help?
You are partly correct. Even though the MD5 values are the same there are a few subtle differences in the file structures between the two builds. Some users have reported sucess on the 905 leak while others are getting the failed signature error you are experiencing. The only fix in your situation is to fully flash 902; then take the OTA 905. Windows 7 64 bit PC's have no problem running RSDlite; just make sure your drivers are 64 bit and up to date. My PC is Win 7 64 bit and I've flashed dozens of times.
you know i got this phone from asurian after i broke the screen on the old one. its possible it has been messed with prior to me getting it.
My (exhaustive multi-decade long) experience with......

........MD5, sums that match can't have even the most subtle of file system differences, it's an open ended amount of data enceypted with a 128 bit encryption key that generates a 128 bit file signature. They either match or they don't. The same is true with moto version numbers, any two moto version numbered "updates" will be the same, exactly the same, or one will have a different version number, like bionic GB leaks and builds 894, 901/2 904/5...ICS 2231,2233,229,230, farther were ultra slight revisions, for example between 901 and 902...901 was the soak, 902 was the revised soak, or the OTA. We never even heard rumors about a soak actually going out on 904/5, the 904 popped up on cheesecake and a few days or a week the 905 as well, right after that the 905 came out OTA, if they had "dotted one i or crossed 1 t different between the leak of 905 ans the OTA it would have been 906 and the MD5 hash would have been different as well.

This is the MD5 hash for newvrz_xt875_5.9.902.verizon.en.us_cfc_01.xml - 573FC3C93E76086A826F2FB6D9E353CB

Go open up the FXZ, edit anything, literally anything as another file type, or delete or change ANY info ANYWHERE in the file and you'll change to MD5 hash as well.
OK so I fxzd back to 302 ota to 305 tried updating to ics 232 same problem I'm convinced the 3 different downloads are the problem I tryed 230 and it went through great. So is there a difference between 230 and 232?
failed install on ota .905 as well

i bought this phone about a month ago. not able to update to leaked ics .232 ...any help?

thanks for heads up..successful ics boot here

ok..i so followed SamuriHL's script..downloaded to .902...then .905 ota...then to .232 ics. it went flawless. the total process was about 30-40 minutes..booted right app or data loss. ONLY ISSUE, i downloaded quadrant standard and it says my cpu is at 1ghz? any help guys?

Some phones are reading 1.2 while others like you are at 1.0 So far nobody in the forums seems to have a definite answer as to why. Since these are leaked builds my guess is this is still a bug that Moto is working on.
has anyone been able to fxz back to .902, start the script over and get 1.2ghz?
ok..i so followed SamuriHL's script..downloaded to .902...then .905 ota...then to .232 ics. it went flawless. the total process was about 30-40 minutes..booted right app or data loss. ONLY ISSUE, i downloaded quadrant standard and it says my cpu is at 1ghz? any help guys?


your cpu score is what it is.. until OTA release of ICS.. still doesnt mean you will get 1.2ghz .. there is no fix as of can try to overclock it 1.2 but it wont keep 1.2 after reboot
And remember folks that the 1.2 bump can be good or bad. Some say that there is a definite uptick in performance on the gaming side while others have noticed drops in battery life. It's still a work in progress with Moto. In any case these ICS builds are leaps and bounds better than anything GB (905 was a bust) did for us in the past; less blur and rock solid data connections; that's a win win in my book.