Fascinate or Droid pro


Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Orange County
Currently im a fascinate user coming from BB and i kinda miss the key board and im wondering if i should switch from fascinate to pro. Is the Key board worth it enough to give up the AMOLED display and the 4 inch screen size?

And how well does the phone handle games?

Thank You!
It really depends on what a person uses the phone mostly for. But if your saying that you miss the keyboard which means you use it a lot, so I say that the keyboard on the Pro is definitely worth it, even to give up the Amoled and 4inch screen. As for gaming, it does have a 1ghz processor so gaming is fine. Its just that its a 3.1inch screen.
Really like the keyboard on my Pro...couldn't stick with the touch screen typing...the Pro as a whole is a pretty good little device, despite the exchange issues that it still has...

The screen on the Fascinate is so fantastic though, the drop down to the Pro may be rather painful....since I use mine primarily for business purposes I'm fine, but that Super AMOLED may be tough to transition from....
Went from a Droid Incredible to the DP - very happy with the DP. Little bugs and annoyances aside, it's a great phone. Speedy and responsive. Angry Birds is smooth.
None of the above. D2G or Droid X.

OK if you're going to force me to pick one then the Droid Pro.
To put more perspective on your decision, I tried a Thunderbolt for a week and as awesome as that phone is, with it's speed and big screen, I just couldn't do without my keyboard. So, I've had two full touchscreen Android devices, both of them very good devices in their own right, but have still found myself coming back to a physical keyboard. A portrait keyboard - landscape devices like the D2 or Evo Shift just don't fit my hands properly for fast typing. Maybe try one of those for you if you still want the big screen and physical keyboard?
I had the Droid X from it's release until around December of last year. I absolutely loved the large screen on the phone, and I was fine with the on-screen keyboard (Swype definitely helps things). But I kept finding myself drawn back to wanting a physical keyboard. I had the original Droid for awhile, so I looked into the Droid 2 Global a bit. But I really liked the form factor of the Droid Pro's keyboard. The only problem was that I didn't think I could live with the small screen size after having the X.

Curiosity eventually got the best of me, and I decided to give the Pro a spin. I'm extremely glad that I did. I love this phone more than pretty much any phone I've ever owned. The screen size, even coming from the Droid X, really isn't a problem at all. Everything is still very readable, and it's nice not to have an on-screen keyboard taking up half or more of the screen so that you can actually see more of what you're typing. I normally start to get bored with a phone after a couple of months, but I have yet to tire of the Droid Pro, and I don't see it happening anytime soon. The usefulness of the form factor for me far outweighs anything I might slightly miss from something like the X.
I am still happy with my Droid Pro. After I changed the LCD density setting from the default 160 to 130, it looks so much better. Everthing onscreen is a bit smaller but the increased "desktop real estate" makes it even better overall. I still find an app or two every once in a while that doesn't scale properly but other than that, I still love this phone. Fast, comfortable size, comfortable hardware keyboard, extended battery that lasts about 30 hours with medium usage....what is not to like???