Favorite Widgets?


New Member
May 4, 2010
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I have a few empty spots on my home screens. I need some widgets (already have beautiful widgets) to fill them up. What are your favorite widgets?
Weather channel, nyt, droid-life, engadget, 3, ............
Power Widget
StickM (like a Post-It)
News Widget
Audio Manager
Dictionary (Word of the day)
"mine sweeper widget demo" is kinda fun. it's a little game that's a widget so you don't actually have to load a game. there's a paid version with different sizes but i think the demo one works just fine.
As many times as I have seen this, it's my turn to dish I guess lol :

1) Beautiful Widgets
2) Power Monitor (stock)
3) News (stock)
4) DroidLive
5) YouTube (stock, duh)

I still think most of the stock widgets have the least battery drain on my droid, until I hear else, beautiful widgets also never shows up on my battery consumption, so ++
Is there a widget that will give me a 4-5 day forecast on the desktop?
I run two on my homescreen, framing beautiful widgets. If I knew how to take a screenshot, I'd post it.
Is there a widget that will give me a 4-5 day forecast on the desktop?

The Weather Channel (Wide) widget gives current as well as that day plus 2 days ahead. Beautiful Widgets, give you that day and 3 days ahead, but you have to press the widget to get that.