Got a few questions for you guys. I've been looking to get a new phone for a while and the Fascinate seems brilliant.
1) If I were to purchase this phone through Verizon, say, in a few weeks time, would I be able to root the phone? I know that most other companies give trouble for doing things like jailbreaking, and thus try to update their models often enough to prevent things like this. However, with the Android's open policies, I doubt I'll have to worry about this. Am I correct?
2) If I were to root the phone, would it be possible to turn the phone into a wireless access point? I've noticed there's something called Mobile Hotspot, but that seems to incur additional fees from Verizon. I saw something called Wifi Tethering that would only work on root'd phones; could I use this to tether utilize my Fascinate's 3G network from my iPod Touch without having additional fees?
Thanks in advance! I can't wait to get my new phone
1) If I were to purchase this phone through Verizon, say, in a few weeks time, would I be able to root the phone? I know that most other companies give trouble for doing things like jailbreaking, and thus try to update their models often enough to prevent things like this. However, with the Android's open policies, I doubt I'll have to worry about this. Am I correct?
2) If I were to root the phone, would it be possible to turn the phone into a wireless access point? I've noticed there's something called Mobile Hotspot, but that seems to incur additional fees from Verizon. I saw something called Wifi Tethering that would only work on root'd phones; could I use this to tether utilize my Fascinate's 3G network from my iPod Touch without having additional fees?
Thanks in advance! I can't wait to get my new phone