Finally Back to Verizon


Dec 30, 2009
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Hey so far ive found some nice rooting guides on this site. But I had a iPhone 3g (Actually about to ebay it now.) My dad didnt pay my bill so it is over 800 now and I hoped onto my Moms plan and I got a Droid 1400 Minutes 250 Txts Unlimited Data. Though so far I am Very happy with it the only thing I hate is my battery has developed a memory (Not to bad.) The other thing Im not liking is where you find threads to install something you are just givin commands I took me a week to figure out how to excute those commands. Back to me though Ive been in the iPhone Jailbreaking community since 2.0 I am a Moderator on Tys iPhone Help Forums. Im going to keep my 2g touch for Games though. Im just wishing that the Droid ws fully compatible with Google Apps.
Welcome to the Forums! I also came from an iPhone and couldn't be happier with Verizon's service! I used Gazelle to sell my iPhone so if eBay gives you little to no luck, they bought my 3GS from me for about $510!!
Nice I have a iphone 3g 16 gb black. You would think it was new if I didnt tell you it wasnt.