Finally got 4G in KC :)


Sep 13, 2011
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4G finally hit my town yay! Question though, I've heard that it takes WAY more battery, is there a way to switch between 3G and 4G if I want to conserve battery?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
There's an app called LTE Switch in the market that is a shortcut to this menu.
Has anyone else ran the speedtest app? I noticed 4g lite up some time this week, Wednesday I think but my speeds are not all that impressive 5 down and 9 up, yeah I know that's backwards but several tests later... same results?

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
Cool, thanks everyone! Haven't tried the speed test app
i just switched my bionic to lte/cdma here in KC and got on the 4g network tonight. works great. much better reception than 3g (verizon's 3g service in KC seriously sux). just make sure you use your task manager and add ALL apps to the auto kill list, put your battery into either nighttime savings or maximum savings, and you'll be good to go in 4g.

Not sure if something has changed but all the really knowledgeable guys say not to use task killers.
I think he means the auto kill list that's already in the phone
I don't live in a 4G area. But when I travel into 4G areas. I keep my Bionic on CDMA / 3G only. Unless I need the speed of the LTE network. Then 3G works ok for me. Plus it saves the battery. I actually wish Motorola had made a shortcut key on the phone to enable/disable the LTE.