I got a call today from the Federal Trade Comission, regarding the current problems with the DX and the DX2.
They are requesting that everyone interested in getting the issues with their phones resolved, please call the
FTC Hotline at 1-877-382-4357 and file a report.
I have a screen capture of this post for my records. Please DO NOT delete this post.
This post will be getting monotored by me and any problems with it, will be forwarded
to the FTC.
They are requesting that everyone interested in getting the issues with their phones resolved, please call the
FTC Hotline at 1-877-382-4357 and file a report.
I have a screen capture of this post for my records. Please DO NOT delete this post.
This post will be getting monotored by me and any problems with it, will be forwarded
to the FTC.