Fitness Friday 9/12/14: Pre-workouts


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Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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Before I begin with today's topic I want to start by giving a kudos to the staff of Droid Forums, as every topic we bring up are topics that we are actually living. Behind the scenes we are actually involved in our own fitness programs achieving results and even having moments where we slip whether it be me having a day of cake and fries or tweaking a shoulder causing me to have to change up my workouts. So what gets posted is not just us copying and pasting from a fitness site but us actually putting life to action.

Todays topic will be more for the intermediate to expert level involving supplements. Earlier this week we had a engaging discussion about pre-workouts so I decided to talk about that today as those same discussions are going on through out gyms across the country. Pre-workout supplements ( are meant to give you that extra kick during your workouts using various chemicals to stimulate a surge of energy and increase blood flow. Chemicals found in pre work outs range from the following:

  • Branched Chain Amino Acids: essential nutrients that the body gets from proteins found in food. Used to improve performance while reducing muscle breakdown during exercises.
  • Glutamine: Helps with protein synthesis, cellular energy, and regulation of acid balance in the kidney
  • Essential Fatty Acids: fatty acids humans need for health.
  • Creatine: supplies energy to cells and muscles in the body
  • Protein: Very important for muscle growth and recovery
  • Beta Alanine: an amino acid that helps improve performance, build lean muscle mass, and can improve physical performance for the elderly by helping with muscle fatigue. Side-effects: none for small dosage but moderate to large dosages can cause flushing and a tingling sensation.
Benefits of pre workouts is that they help provide that extra boost to help you push harder and longer through a workout helping you achieve better results. Cons to using pre-workout supplements as of now is that some can cause dehydration in most require that you hydrate throughout the day. But with any supplement we highly recommend you read the label. know what is in it, and consult your physician before taking. Do not just take something because a dude at the gym claims it will give you results. Very important that you take the time to read up and make yourself aware of what you are putting in your body as well as understand that no supplement can overcome a crappy diet.

Do you use pre-workout supplements?

What products do (or have) you use(d)?

What turned you on to pre-workout supplements?
Had a real bad experience with creatine a few years back -- apparently didn't fully appreciate how much water it pulls toward the muscles, and I didn't keep myself hydrated enough.

Can you spell "k-i-d-n-e-y s-t-o-n-e-s"? Largest one was 4 mm. Sounds small but they're deadly. Wouldn't wish that chapter in my life on my worst enemy! Needless to say I am no longer allowed to use it! LOL

I've tried this C4 stuff in the past, mainly because my wife was taking it while training for a fitness competition. I'm not really a fan, as it purges through my pores every time I take it, making me feel itchy and uncomfortable. The increase in performance was notable, but to me it isn't worth the discomfort.
With creatine and or preworkouts, its very important to hydrate.. It also varies with the amount that you take.. But always err on the side of caution and hydrate..

I've used cellucor c4, Arnolds iron pump, bentancort bullnox and cutler nutritions "legend" .. All work different.. Like c4 is a kick in the butt, but arnold pump is very subtle with a lot of pump.. Legend is in the middle of c4 and iron pump.. And bullnox.. No jitters, no real "push" or anxious feeling.. But it comes on as your lifting.. Then it drives you...
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I agree....hydration is very important. Especially when taking any supplements. You'll read conflicting information online as to what to drink and when to drink WHILE working out. While I use creatine & preworkouts 30 minutes before I hit the gym, I think it's important to continue drinking water during your workout. My workout typically last anywhere from 45 min to an hour. Because I rest very little between sets, I'm sweating the whole time and that fluid needs to be replaced. I go through at least 2 - 20oz bottles of water during this time. Dont gulp it of course, just a sip every couple of sets. That works for me.
I would also suggest if you're new to taking ANY supplements, whether it's creatine, pre-workouts or protein....start out taking half of what the package tells you. This way you can see what your initial reaction is to that supplement and then adjust it accordingly going forward.

Its also a really good idea to drink 16 oz of water 15 mins before you workout.. More if you need.. Just don't overdue it or you're going to be in the bathroom every 10 mins...

Also.. Know your body.. What i mean is.. If you eat and then take your preworkout.. Will you get an upset stomach? Remember why taco bell doesn't have a play land?? Cause it's really hard to have fun when you're trying not to.. Well.. You know. Some people simply can't eat and then workout.. Some can.. But your preworkout can change all of that..

Personally.. If you can't eat (peanut butter sandwiches are great because of the mix of carbs and protein) many people will take a whey protein shake before, then their preworkout/creatine, then workout , and another small shake.. This is all going to depend on your goals amd nutritional needs as far as, are you trying to get leaner, add mass, and the popular... "I'm bulking"...

I personally eat in small portions every 3 hours according to my eating plan... I take my pre+5 grams of creatine monohydrate, 30 mins before go time... If the gym is packed i go where its not.. I have 75 mins to get my workout done.. And i make no bones about cellphone talking, selfie taking clowns getting in my way.. I'm infact very rude about it.. Stay hydrated and focused on your workouts.. Then i take two scoops of a zero carb amd very clean whey.. (avoid wheys that nitro spike, this means they aren't as full of protein as they state.. Fillers and crap are BAD) i like warriors warrior blend, and isopure zero carb.. Both are a tad spendy.. But clean and worth it. Take this within 30 mins of your last task.. Mine is usually HIIT...
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Good point about taking half of the package amount first as that is what I have to do. But you can also get a similar push it you fast 18 to 24 hrs before your workout.... But let's face it Americans love to eat so fasting is like a curse word to us. I might even get an infraction for using that word in this thread.

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