There are quite a few notable differences between AMOLED and LCD panels. The main difference you will notice is that AMOLED displays are able to create truer blacks since they turn off pixels to create the color black. LCD panels are back lit and as such they aren't able to make perfect blacks. AMOLEDs generally are able to produces whiter whites while LCDs normally produce a cooler white. AMOLEDs are easier to see in sunlight. The one draw back to AOMLED displays is that they can produce burn in while that is no longer common. The major drawback for AMOLED displays in the past has been their higher cost of manufacturing. Over then past few years that cost has decreased which is why we are seeing AMOLED displays more often in phones.
As the trend towards AMOLED displays continue it would only stand to reason that flexible AMOLED displays will become more popular. Samsung has been the leader in flexible AMOLED production for the past few years however we now have a few other OEMs that are able to produce this technology. Companies like EverDisplay, Optronics, and Visionox are able to manufacture a smaller number of the the displays. A Digitimes report indicates that shipments of these flexible AMOLED displays may triple in 2017. The demand for the technology may actually outweigh the ability to produce it at this point. Which type of display do you prefer AMOLED or LCD, and why?
via DigiTimes