Forgot Pattern & PIN for Private Mode


New Member
Sep 23, 2010
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I cannot open the Private Mode on my Note 4. It seems that when I first got the phone I set up a pattern and PIN, and now I cannot remember them. So I cannot open, or even use Private Mode.

How can I reset the pattern & PIN to allow me access to Private Mode?

I did a little searching and this seems to be something similar to Restrictions Passcodes on iOS. To reset even those because of the security aspect of it, you have to reset the phone. I'm pretty certain you can still backup using Kies, do the reset, and just restore. I've never personally used this feature but this is a step I would take. Just to be sure,I would wait to see if someone else has found a way other than this method before trying the above as I'm unfamiliar with the service.
Did anybody ever figure out anything other than resetting the phone for this issue? You would think they'd have a backup plan baked in, like using your google credentials when you forget your pin/password for the phone itself at the lockscreen.
I think Samsung support can do this. I read something along the lines when researching a passcode lock problem.

Edit: No they can't.
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If you've switched from Dalvik to Art you may have to switch back temporarily as well. It seems Art will bork the passcode in the transition.