FREE Google Voice account (Google Wave as well)


Dec 13, 2009
Reaction score
Akron, Ohio
Google Voice invite is claimed. All I have left is Google Wave
(Wow... That was fast...)

Didn't want to threadjack the person trying to get a wallpaper for his invite, so I figured I'd give mine out here. Unfortunately I only have ONE Google Voice invite left, but I do have 16 Google Wave invites... (Maybe someday there will be a Google Wave app for Android devices...)

Anyways, first one to PM me their email address gets it. Same goes for my Google Wave invites. Please lemme know which one you're going for in the PM. I'll update this thread as invites go out.

Google Voice Invites: 0
Google Wave Invites: 16
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sent you a pm, thanks for handing these out! I gave out all my wave invites a few weeks ago
Google Voice invite is claimed. All I have left is Google Wave
(Wow... That was fast...)

Didn't want to threadjack the person trying to get a wallpaper for his invite, so I figured I'd give mine out here. Unfortunately I only have ONE Google Voice invite left, but I do have 16 Google Wave invites... (Maybe someday there will be a Google Wave app for Android devices...)

Anyways, first one to PM me their email address gets it. Same goes for my Google Wave invites. Please lemme know which one you're going for in the PM. I'll update this thread as invites go out.

Google Voice Invites: 0
Google Wave Invites: 16
Looking for google voice invite.....any help would [email protected]
I too would appreciate a Voice invite. I sent in a request to google when they first announced it, but still no response.
not sure how the Google voice invites work, but if those who got one from OP would return the favor to posters after them, then everyone would be happy :)
including me ([email protected]) ;)
not sure how the Google voice invites work, but if those who got one from OP would return the favor to posters after them, then everyone would be happy :)
including me ([email protected]) ;)
Better off just paying the $2 on ebay .... these free invites fly off the shelves within seconds.
Hey I don't know if there are any left but I would love a wave invite. :icon_ banana: