Hey all, having sort of a strange problem here. I've had my Droid for a little over a week now; I've been generally keeping it charging in the multimedia dock plugged into the USB port of my computer during the day.
Sometimes while I have the phone plugged in - not touching it, just sitting there - the Windows disconnect tone will chime, then the connect, then the disconnect, and so on several times in a row, as if I were unplugging and plugging in the USB cord over and over. Sometimes it just happens a few times; a couple times it's gone on long enough that I pulled the phone from the dock to make it stop. Most of the time it charges just fine, though - this seems to be completely random.
I don't know if I'm drawing too much power from my computer or the wall circuit. I have a lot of stuff plugged in, so I moved a bunch of it to a plug on another circuit, but that hasn't helped.
Don't know if this is pertinent, but I've also noticed that after pulling the phone from the dock it almost always takes several minutes for Windows to chime the disconnect tone. No idea why it doesn't happen right away.
Anyone have any ideas? Could there be a problem with my phone or dock? Is it possible I need to upgrade the PS in my computer? Thanks in advance for any insight.
Sometimes while I have the phone plugged in - not touching it, just sitting there - the Windows disconnect tone will chime, then the connect, then the disconnect, and so on several times in a row, as if I were unplugging and plugging in the USB cord over and over. Sometimes it just happens a few times; a couple times it's gone on long enough that I pulled the phone from the dock to make it stop. Most of the time it charges just fine, though - this seems to be completely random.
I don't know if I'm drawing too much power from my computer or the wall circuit. I have a lot of stuff plugged in, so I moved a bunch of it to a plug on another circuit, but that hasn't helped.
Don't know if this is pertinent, but I've also noticed that after pulling the phone from the dock it almost always takes several minutes for Windows to chime the disconnect tone. No idea why it doesn't happen right away.
Anyone have any ideas? Could there be a problem with my phone or dock? Is it possible I need to upgrade the PS in my computer? Thanks in advance for any insight.