Galaxy Nexus Screen Backlight Visible "Lines"


Oct 2, 2011
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Hey all, just looking for your opinions on this. On my nexus, certain screens especially the Google Market background, and other gradient backgrounds it seems as though the actual back lights are really visible. So where the normal gradient is there are bright lines going upward through the screen.

I wish I could take a pic of them, they're pretty subtle and only really noticeable on gradient backgrounds (at least that's where I notice them).

They remind me a lot of the bright light you would get from the fluorescent LCD screens, you know the edge lighting.

Is this worth the hastle of dealing with Verizon to 1) Explain the issue and 2) try and get a replacement.

Does anyone else see this on their screens? Maybe I'm just being too anal :)

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Amoled screens don't have a back light. What you are seeing is most likely image retention similar to what a plasma can get especially while still new. I experience the same problem on my nexus. Its very noticeable on solid colored backgrounds. Personally I don't think its worth taking it back over though.

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Thanks for the reply! I found this thread that seems to hit what my problem was.

I was searching for the wrong term, apparently this is "banding". Sounds pretty common. I definitely see improvements as mentioned in the thread over 50% brightness.

My banding only is really noticeable on grey gradients. Tried out the free screen test app from the market and sure enough only place I can see it is at the grey test. And at 50% brightness its almost unnoticeable.

Man this phone is so close to perfect, I wish that didn't bother me so much :p

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Your right it is only on grey gradients. I was thinking it was on any solid color on my phone. Cool that's good to know.

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It really bothered me at first, but now I dont even really notice it. You really cant notice it if the brightness is up, but I'm used to automatic brightness.

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I see it on grey sometimes not not very often - Brightness at 35-40% but I may push it up a bit when I get the extended.
I see it on grey... and sometimes on whites, although much more subtle then. I think it's a small price to pay for such a gorgeous screen

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I was thinking of getting my phone swapped because of this myself. It doesnt bother me that much but we did pay $300 for the damn phone.

Do you think its worth swapping?
I wouldn't swap it unless you have a particularly bad screen. Turn the brightness to 40% and see how that works.
Its still somewhat visible for me even at 100% on dark grays. Mainly ICS menus.