Gallery thumbnails not matching


Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
Western NY
OK so today I was showing my phone to a friend, when I went to show videos I noticed that the thumbnails weren't matching the videos properly. Some thumbnails were replaced with other video thumbnails giving me duplicates in the gallery. This is really weird. Any ideas on how to fix this?
I had the same issue

What I did was turn off the phone, take off the battery door. I then removed the battery, and SD card. I read through some other posts to confirm and it looks like this issue occurs when the SD card mounts correct this the phone renders from memory what it knows...result...screwed up thumb nails. All the other post replies in the other forums I read confirms that this works...but who knows. I hope this helps.
What I did was turn off the phone, take off the battery door. I then removed the battery, and SD card. I read through some other posts to confirm and it looks like this issue occurs when the SD card mounts correct this the phone renders from memory what it knows...result...screwed up thumb nails. All the other post replies in the other forums I read confirms that this works...but who knows. I hope this helps.

Still no good, its really annoying and embarrassing.
can someone else please add some advice... this is still happening for me as well.
I read this and tried it earlier... I couldnt find a folder titled that anywhere. I even set it to show hidden folders, but to no avail. Thanks anyway.
I'm on my Droid right now and can see the folder with ES File Explorer.
I have show hidden flies enabled also.
The only sure fire way to fix this problem is to mount your droid and remove the videos then put them back, thats the only way it worked for me.