Gameboid problem (not .bios related)


Apr 11, 2010
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A few of my ROMs, namely Mario Tennis Advance, Banja-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge, and Grand Theft Auto Advance will go through the opening screens or cut scenes, and then at a certain point just resets back to the white Gameboy screen. For the vast majority of roms, Gameboid runs perfectly fine. Is their a known issue with these ROMs, or something i'm missing? I get mine from if thats relevant..

I'm leaving this one open.

Please do not double/triple post around the forums.

Thank you and welcome to the forums
Does the same thing for me, maybe email the developer, probably just incompatible currently.
I have the same problem with Grand Theft Auto. I do know some people have got it to work.
AARGH Minish Cap is now freezing in one of the last rooms of the last dungeon. :mad:
crash course

i briefly tried to add roms.. is there a crash course to adding them to your droid.. i tried to search but have come up empty.. (tried gameboy, roms,)
download them from a website, put them in a folder on the SD card, load them. A lot of rom sites are really complex with how they finally let you download the rom so you're better off just downloading what you want on a computer and copying them to the droid through USB imo.
bump. ever a fix for this? i'm having the same problem with GTA
easye - better late than never i hope... but i had the same issue with minish cap (crashing right when you hit the outside of dark hyrule castle).

gameboid v2.4.7 seems to have fixed this issue for me. now i can play right through that part without the game locking up.

hopefully this helps