GB 5.73 vs 5.XX


New Member
Dec 31, 2010
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I have read a TON of threads (ppl get annoyed when someone asks the *same old question*) X is running GREAT on 5.73. Is it really worth the bother to get the latest and greatest? I know, I love to tinker too, BUT, good battery, fast, no problems, etc. "If it aint broke, don't fix it?"
I would like to know this also. I'm in the same boat and don't see the reason to update to the latest. Especially seeing the rumor of the OTA is sometime next week.
Also on .573
My camera always defaulting to widescreen resolution is getting annoying. Is this fixed in the newer version?

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Personally I would go with .588 it has more themes out and less bugs. Also im petty sure its bootloader is unlocked. Im on .591 now and its not to great. Battery life is crap and a lot of the basic features don't work. Its also good to try something new once in a while. But its your decision

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Personally I would go with .588 it has more themes out and less bugs. Also im petty sure its bootloader is unlocked. Im on .591 now and its not to great. Battery life is crap and a lot of the basic features don't work. Its also good to try something new once in a while. But its your decision

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I'm on .591 and have had no issues with battery or anything. Didn't have any issues with .588 either to be honest.
I'm on .591 and have had no issues with battery or anything. Didn't have any issues with .588 either to be honest.

I run droid overclock and leave my device at 1.2ghz. That drains a ton of battery. I also have a ton of background data going. (3 email acc's and a facebook) On top of that, when I play a game at 1.2 my battery blows. Eariler today I got 2hrs and 30mins out of it. Lol. I reverted back to .588 but now I'm having issues with that. My deodex file is putting me in forceclose heaven. Stupidly enough, I didn't backup right after .588... Looks like I'm going to .sbf for a second time tonight. Woo...

Keep in mind I am new at this...) When you overclock, what is your voltage? I use the overclock app to *undervolt* and overclock. I get good quadrant scores, If I use a heavy app, I have to watch the temp...and great battery life. M