Gesture Search - "Real" Default Phone Number???


Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
How can you change the "real" default phone number that Gesture Search uses when you select a contact? Here's the scenario....

- Start Gesture Search
- Draw an "S"
- Steve Smith is at the top of the list - the contact I want to call. But Steve has 3 phone numbers. The third number has been set as the default by long-pressing the phone number and selecting "Make Default Number". This is the number I want to call.
- I select Steve Smith and Gesture Search calls the second number listed under the contact.

Why does this happen?
I have found that checking default has not worked since I've had the phone.

I was considering deleting the contact and re-entering the phone numbers to see what happens.

Anyone else?
Here's some scary behavior:

- I deleted the contact from my Google contacts running on my PC.
- A few minutes later, I checked "Contacts" on my Droid and the contact was gone. Expected.
- I re-index the db in Gesture Search, and I chuck all stored history in the app.
- In Gesture Search, I jot in the name of the deleted contact, and Gesture Search displays it! Still with the wrong default phone number - even though the contact record is not in Contacts any longer!!

I checked this over a over a few times and the contact was still there. So I uninstalled Gesture Search, reinstalled it and the contact was gone.

I re-entered the contact in my Google contacts on my PC, with the proper phone number at the top of the list. Then I re-indexed Gesture Search and there's my contact, with the proper phone number as default.

Still, no answer to my original question, and some additional weird behavior to boot!