Gingerbread for D2G?


Nov 29, 2010
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Any word on when gingerbread update will be available for the Droid 2 global? I tried the update for the D2 but it wouldn't update in recovery. Was worth a try right?

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Im guessing so but I will BUMP the questions

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I've been wondering the same about the d2. Any info would be great.

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Oh, you mean you didn't get the news? The Droid 2 and all variants aren't getting Gingerbread. Motorola said that the proliferation of threads asking the same question caused them to cancel the project. ;)

Seriously, though, just like in every other of the dozens upon dozens of threads:

The SDK dropped yesterday. That's all. Code hasn't hit the servers and it's weeks after that before releases start to be made. That's all we know. Heck, we don't even know, officially, if the D2 will ever get Gingerbread. The assumption is that it will happen, but nothing hard exists proving it.

So take a deep breath, relax, and wait. That's all you really can do.
It should be out for d2. There is a thread for it. Download the file and change the name to then use recovery

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Thanks for clearing that up. Guess I just got a little eager

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Obvious hint : when these forums explode with "omg I bricked my phone with the OTA, can I haz help", gingerbread has arrived :)
Or "Update broke root, z4root broke, Verizon must DIE!" posts, or "I can't use z4root on the new update) posts. After all, nobody EVER in the history of the world has said ROOT NOW or ALL UPDATES BREAK ROOT once. :)
The 2.3 update for the D2 was not Gingerbread. Please don't confuse the two. :)
Ugh..I know rite I been repeating this like a million times already...the update was for the build version not OS version

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Ok, I'll bite.... what is this 2.3 update? My D2G show system 2.4.29.A956 w kernel 2.632.9 and Build VZW

What does 2.3 fix or break?
Thanks, understand the Gingerbread v 2.3. But what is this 2.3 blur update and how does one tell if what version of blur you are running?
You got to remember people, on the DX and D2,D2G as well there's a system version and a seperate OS version. They are not the same thing.
These phones are on Android 2.2 their system versions are varied and correspond to Motorolas Motoblur

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