Gingerbread update un-tagged all my music


New Member
Apr 29, 2011
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I got the ota gingerbread update last night, and everything was fine until I opened Poweramp to listen to some music. All my music files are still there and they play fine, but the album and artist tags are completely FUBAR. ie. Missing artist names, random songs in wrong album files... Has this happened to anyone else? Oh and this is not only happening on Poweramp, it's messed up on Mixzing and the stock android music player as well. I really don't want to re-name every single song, since my Thunderbolt has replaced my ipod and has over 1000 songs on it! Thanks
My phone has done the same thing, maybe we can delete all the music on our phone and sync it to the computer and it will go to normal

sent from the bolt